A-maize-ing day

Saturday was a beautiful day here. We headed to a corn maze just outside of the city with our friends for my first ever corn maze adventure. It was one of those great Canadian fall days with warm sun and cool air… though it was rather windy. Once I was inside the maze though, I needed to take off my scarf since we were sheltered from the breeze.

Unfortunately this was the only picture I snapped. Would’ve been nice to get a family picture. Oh well.

Corn maze map

The four (and a half) of us split up and found all 9 sign posts describing ghost-towns of Ontario in just under an hour. It was kind of a neat incentive for getting through a lot of the maze by trying to find all the check points.

What made the day even more a-maize-ing was that Harrison tried pureed corn for the first time (not premeditated – I’m not that smart organized). I think he may have a new favourite veggie!

Hope we get more beautiful fall days for some more quality family time.

Anyone else tried a corn maze before? Or tried corn for the first time? What else are you doing to take advantage of the beautiful fall days? Fall fairs? Do tell. I love fall!